Adelere Adesina 👑
9 min readNov 5, 2020

THE MOST INSPIRING MOVIE OF THE CENTURY: The Name of the Main Actor and Superstar will Shock You

Do you enjoy movies? Who doesn't? I mean, especially when it is a movie of your favourite superstar or actor. Especially when the director does a good job on the movie. Especially when the script is well-written by the scriptwriter. Especially when it ends with good resolution towards justice, love, mercy, grace and compassion, a happy ending for the main actor. Especially when it is as practical as practical can be yet there is a fantastical, extraordinary way that the dilemma gets resolve after the climax. Especially when after watching that movie, it gets you to think about life differently and inspires you to be a better human--this last one, we watch it twice, thrice, maybe ten or fifty times.

And the best times to watch a great movie? Downtimes! Because they kill boredom, or help you relax from the day's stress or somehow else, they just captivate you. Sorry, I should cut this short. I was just reminding you--but you knew already. A movie is just about to be released. It will shock you to find out who is the protagonist and superstar. I really love the person, and I know you will too, everyone's favourite. I am applying suspense here. But I can hardly help it; I am writing about the most intense, suspenseful, thrilling movie of the century. Let me, too, flex a little suspense. So, play a game with me. Don't skip--don't ruin the suspense of our communication.

This is an extraordinary movie everyone should watch. Be kind to let them know there is a great movie of the century they must watch yet. Do share with them. And I appreciate you doing that.

So, I want us to go to the end of this century together. It’s year 2099, about eighty years away. You have fulfilled life, got a beautiful large family with your spouse: children, grand children, great grand children. I’m guessing; that might not exactly be your way to go. But whichever way you will have gone, we are in 2099. I’ve established the bestselling books of the Century such as ENGRAFT, LIGHT WITHOUT TUNNELS and PORTRAITS ARE LANDSCAPES to which you have been a great reader. I have also written a couple of biographies and memoirs. Now, I am with you, dear friend. I am writing your biography--a prolific author but at the humble service of an extraordinary person. It’s the harmattan of 2099, and the grass is withered, leaves are falling off many tree. Except in your house, where you are hosting me, there is this tree planted by the streams of waters in your house, always bringing its fruits and never withering. Right under that green myrtle we are seated as I write your biography, listening to you. We are laughing for many memories. Some, you are so carried away reliving them that you even forget I am there with you. Some others, you are so pleased that you go back to it twice or thrice sharing with me. And some are sad, makes you sigh twice with a straight look that touches the heart. Deeply sad that it moves griefs. But soon, they are overwhelmed with even more happy memories.

Immediately after we have taken this moment, I write a book, your biography: CAMEL THROUGH THE EYE. In that same year, it becomes a bestseller across the globe.

Intense. Inspiring. Thrilling. Intriguing.

Catches the interest of the movie industry immediately--they have been waiting for the opportunity. In 2100, a movie based on CAMEL THROUGH THE EYE is released. The year's movie, conservatives will call it. It is really the Century's movie, the 22nd Century's movie. All the world comes to a standstill, not because of tragedies such as Ebola endemic nor COVID-19 pandemic. All the world comes to a standstill because of the blockbuster movie of the century, the movie of your life.

Take a moment, dear. How does it feel? That time, how do you see it? What kind of joy fills your heart to see generations to come become inspired by your life? What kind of inspiration will they draw? I want you to think about this movie because that movie in 2100 is the most inspiring movie of this 21st Century. Just think about it. The biography in 2099 is how you spend each day from 2020 on, what you do and don't do. The joys you have. The challenges you overcome. The lives you touch. The losses you manage. The successes you create. If I were to write today in that biography, what would I be compelled to write--compelled because it is already history by that time? O dear, the blockbuster movie of your life in 2100 is already being written in 2020, 2021, 2022, ..., 2098. A part has been written before now, and perhaps good or not too good for a blockbuster, most inspiring movie of the year; today awaits you, and tomorrow and the day after.


Well, I want to be happy, content and fulfilled writing CAMEL THROUGH THE EYE (or whatever name you want me to give the book). And I know you want to have the greatest, most inspiring movie made for you. So, let get intentional about it since the movie is already being created TODAY. We have to know the director, producer and screenwriter and the main actor. Seriously, without these people, a movie is whack! Of course all other people are important, too. But could there be a great movie, however high-performing others are, that can be released when those in these roles are not exceptional and creative at what they do?

The secret number one I want to share with you is this: if the movie of your life can inspire lives in 2100, it can inspire lives in 2020. Or haven't you watched movies that are set in centuries earlier that have great and dramatic effects on lives in this modern age? So, time is irrelevant. The same movie can inspire people today (more so today, since 2100 is more modern than now) if it can inspire in 2100. I am telling you this secret number one because you are the director of that movie. Put this thought in mind, 'A man's heart devises his way...'

You want to create a great movie, yeah? Look at the last few years. Have you been a great director? Okay. We need you to take the back seat on that. Remember you have multiple roles; so, you can still do other important things. We just need to find a great director that can handle your role better than you to make sure the 2100's greatest movie is secured! So, put the completion of this thought in mind: 'A man's heart devises his way; but God directs his steps.' Great. God can be the director. This means, He can choose the purpose of your life. Let's find out the director's direction... If you were to die 2099 after a well-spent life, what would you love to be remembered for in a sentence? One thing that all generations after must remember you for. Okay. That's purpose! Now, we know where we are going, the direction, where it must end.

The secret number two I have for you is this: you will have a prolific bestseller author as me at your service for a biography when you have the finest sponsorship and presentation of your life's movie. A producer sponsors a movie that has the potential to sell because of remarkable content in it. Alright, we have the best director and the direction of the movie. But where can we get a producer able to sponsor the best movie of the 22nd Century? That producer must have infinite treasures of wealth, pricelessness of resources and a keen interest in the success of your life's presentation. Think on these two truths: 'No man can redeem his brother...for the redemption of his soul is precious._ No person with any wealth whatsoever can be the producer of your own life. You must be willing to sponsor it to the world, to show it forth--for the same reason that they cannot take that role from you; because you are priceless. But little worries, with your priceless worth within you that you can mine to sponsor the show and with your director's support, we can pull this off.

The secret number three to tell you is thus: there is only one way the script of this movie is being written, your life's dreams and goals. How do you want the play to go? How do you want the movie to continue from today? How do you want all the actors that come into your life to take a role? All of these are wired into your dreams and goals. Within your dreams, you can determine your life's values. If you value success, what does it mean to be successful and what does success bring for you? If you value financial freedom, what does it mean and bring for you? If you value peace, what does it mean and bring? So, what kind of life will you have when all your values are realised daily? Now, that is the kind of life in your script. Remember the overseeing hand of the director. But the director will not write the screenplay if the screenwriter fails to do a job. He can only make corrections. Learn that it is you who must 'ask and it shall be given, seek and you shall find, knock, and it shall be opened unto you'. A poorly written screenplay does not need a great director nor a priceless producer. Thus, write an exceptional, ambitious, imaginative play otherwise you make your director angry for your lack of creativity. He does it unto you according to the play you desire regardless.

The secret number four I must convene is this: the main actor is the person to whom all events have a local or global reference. Your daily actions, reactions and inactions must matter to you not because of other persons but because it is your movie. This is the reason why you must stick to the script you have written and trust the director to do a good job. If what you do or don't do is determined by opinions, others' false beliefs, circumstances, etc. then you are not taking the global reference in your movie. Global reference is the reference to main actor, either he is there on a scene or not. If all that you do is to the harm, cheat, hurt and hate of other persons in your movie, then you do not have the local reference. Local reference is the reference to other actors as the main actor deals with them on/within a scene. I shall give you the key to balancing both at once, because you being the superstar, if you flop, no one wants to watch your movie for 22nd Century inspiration. The key is thus: 'Owe no man nothing but except love; for he that loves has fulfilled the law.

All this clearly understood, remember that the movie which can inspire people in 2100 can inspire people in 2020. How about you begin to watch the movie of your life in your imagination? I mean, you are the biggest fan of yourself. Right? You are the superstar, the scriptwriter and the main actor. What else is necessary to get you watching it now? Your life's movie can inspire YOU to great actions. What's more? You are watching what you are creating and you are creating what you are watching. Before you spend another one to two hours on Hollywood, Bollywood, Nollywood, or any wood, spend time on your life's movie.

When you wake in the morning, take a seat, relax and visualise what the biographer will write for you fifty years from now. What will be the movie of your life two years from now. Imagine it. Before you sleep, imagine it. Remember what the Rabbi did, too, 'who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despised the shame and is set down at the right hand of God.' The lesson: a continuous visualisation of your life's movie is inspiring enough to pull you through challenges, transform you and make you achieve your ultimate purpose and dreams in life.

Now you know the most inspiring movie of the century. Isn't the superstar your own fan? Get to watching it as often as you can, day and night. See the powerful effect it creates. And one day, I'll gladly write CAMEL THROUGH THE NEEDLE for you.

Be Engrafted!

OVERFLOW OF ENGRAFT is delivered to you by the author of ENGRAFT from the literal overflow or inspiration of the book's powerful writing of the laws of success and happiness, and the methods of achieving them in all areas of life for all people. You can begin your amazing overflow as well at work and home with ENGRAFT.
Get ENGRAFT here.
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SOW AND HARVEST is a 12-module audio programme by the author of ENGRAFT which shows how to create a good idea and turn it to great by changing lives with it. Get it for $60 here:

Adelere Adesina,

Adelere Adesina 👑

I am Adelere Adesina 👑, the King of Kings. I am the Imagination Coach who teaches what I do, Imagining to Create Reality.