Avoiding Some Common Errors in Using Your Imagination (II)


Adelere Adesina 👑
4 min readMay 24, 2022

We have clearly identified what to DO in using our imagination to manifest what we wish. May I emphasize that it is not only what we must do in using our imagination but it is ALL we must do to have what we desire. It is a delusion that aside assuming the wish fulfilled, we humans are capable of employing any other means to achieve our desires. We are not; for God ONLY Acts, and God is the Human Imagination, the one within who is Imagining day and night within you. So, you accept this truth. And you would like to test it, try it for yourself. But like myself when I began in this creative and fun adventure and even sometimes now, you might be susceptible to a few errors. Some common errors are here discussed, so that you could learn to identify and avoid them. In the previous post, the error we identified was Vagueness of Desire, which could arise for various reasons but simply boils down to Not Accepting One’s True Desires. SELF-HONESTY is the first requisite to manifestation of what we Want. Neville repeatedly encourages me, ‘Simply know what you want. Don’t be ashamed to name it. What would you like out of life?’ (How to Use Your Imagination to Manifest) Today, let’s see another common error that makes our imaginal acts ineffective, and what we may do about it.

2. Perpetual Construction, Deferred Occupancy: This is exactly how Neville calls this error, and he calls it the ‘mirage of mankind’. This error is commited when a desire is clear in the mind and someone gets busy with constructing what the end would be like, what the imaginal scene would be without actually living in that end. The name is a perfect analogy. Just think of a person who wants a new house, builds one until it’s ready to be occupied. Then instead of occupying it, he starts doing renovations, building more storeys to the bungalow, etc. He constructs more and more but never for once actually live in the house, which has been his purpose. In the same manner, we could create more and more imaginal scenes but ignore to really and ACTually BE and Participate in one of them. Let’s look at a typical case to understand this.

Case #3: Mr Y now knows what he wants clearly. He wants to be financially secured, which means to him that he always have more money than he feels like doing things with. So, Mr Y creates a scene to imply this has happened. His scene is one of his friends, Mr Z telling Mr Y in the favourite hangout of their clique, ‘You know, I admire you a lot among our friends. You have levelled up. I don’t see that thing you may want, you always have the money to pay for it easily. I like your example, it is very good for us.’ And Mr Y said, ‘Thank you, Z. That’s very true. I remember when I used to feel I couldn’t afford things I wanted to buy, but now I have abundantly more than I could ever spend.’ They are having some drinks this refreshing evening when Mr Z was pouring his heart out. Mr Y is convinced that if he has truly become abundant, Mr Z would be one of his first few friends to know.

So, at night when Mr Y wants to sleep, what does he do? He just sleeps thinking from the insults that his boss gave him at work. He thought within himself that nonsense would stop someday, especially after he has achieved the abundance he wanted. So, he felt bruised of his ego and vowed to become rich one day, which made him feel challenged. He remembered how his wife stopped being understanding of their financial situations, and she’s made things even more difficult with her nagging. He wondered why on earth she would say all the negative words, and why didn’t she realise that she would be creating more of the same. He thought again, ‘When I’ve manifested financial security, she would start paying attention to what I’m saying about manifestations.’ So, he felt excited to show her how imagination works in his personal testimony, and a little tensed to prove it real quick. In the middle of these inner conversations while he’s remembering what happened during the day and how he didn’t like them, HOPING for the day he’d have what he dreams so he could prove his worth to everyone, he fell asleep.

So, he constructed the scene, but he didn’t occupy it. He didn’t actually hold the conversation with his friend mentally. He didn’t actually fall asleep while telling Z, ‘I remember when I used to want but now I have.’ He didn’t feel financially secured, he didn’t feel the joy of Z for him nor his thankfulness and self-confidence in replying Z. He didn’t feel the thrill of now having what he wanted. He knew the imaginal act quite well, but he didn’t occupy it. He fell asleep in the state that’s corresponding to what he no longer wants. After many days, Mr Y now finds newer abundance affirmations and changes his imaginal scene, turns it to his bank manager telling him about millions. Well, when he wants to sleep, he kept imagining the troubles that followed him in the day by remembering them and reacting through how they hurt him, why he didn’t like them and what he would do about them some day. So, he perpetually constructed the scene, but deferred occupancy.

Again, I ask and encourage you to SOLVE This Case. What would you suggest that Mr Y does, whether if you were Mr Y or you were a friend of Mr Y? How would you permanently become an occupant of the wish fulfilled rather than delay the day of occupying it?



Adelere Adesina 👑
Adelere Adesina 👑

Written by Adelere Adesina 👑

I am Adelere Adesina 👑, the King of Kings. I am the Imagination Coach who teaches what I do, Imagining to Create Reality.

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